New adventures for Goodbye Kansas Labs
Goodbye Kansas acquired the game cluster development team from European Minds in 2019. Rebranded as Goodbye Kansas Labs the company set out to continue their mission to develop the digital industry and game clusters of the Nordics. Now Goodbye Kansas has decided to sell Goodbye Kansas Labs to the management team at the company: Lars Lindblom, Magnus Johansson and Johan Linder.
The team at Goodbye Kansas Labs have strongly contributed to the development of Arctic Game Lab, Sweden’s fastest growing game industry cluster, as well as other game industry clusters in Northern Europe. They are also working hard to strengthen VFX-education. With the launch of the education program Visual Magic in Skellefteå, Sweden will have two schools to support the industry with the next generation of VFX-artists.
Apart from Visual Magic, Goodbye Kansas Labs has also been crucial for the establishment of six other game related educations in the Arctic Game Lab area, with the aim to have 1000 game dev students in the future.
Goodbye Kansas Studios will continue to be one of the partners behind the Visual Magic initiative, and work very closely with Labs to make it into a success.
“Goodbye Kansas Labs has done a great job so far, but will have even better possibilities to develop their business as a free agent in this international world. But they will naturally remain very close to us. We wish our Skellefteå family all the best and look forward to continue working with them, developing our great industry in the Nordics!” says Peter Levin, CEO at Goodbye Kansas.
Published 4 years ago