Yellow Brick Road
Welcome to the world of the great Netflix series “A Series of Unfortunate Events” as Yellow Brick Road’s Nils Lagergren discuss the art of eagle animation with Lead Animator and Supervisor Christina Sidoti. How were the eagle shots in season 3 created? How do you make a CG bird fly in a convincing way and why do we love the world of “Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events” so much?
Links to some of the stuff we talk about in this episode
“A Series Of Unfortunate Events”, trailer for the 3rd season of the Netflix TV series
VFX Breakdown of the Eagle sequence in season 3 of the Netflix series
“Naturskyddsföreningen”, TVC with a CG peregrine falcon
“A Series of Unfortunate Events” (2004) trailer
“Bald Headed Eagle catches salmon” – reference clip
“Moonrise Kingdom” (2012) – trailer
Yellow Brick Road – team ep #36
Producer and host: Nils Lagergren
Editor: Tom Waldton
Mastering: Samuel Tyskling
Coordinator: Malin Tvedt
“Yellow Brick Road theme” by Peter Blomstrand
Podcast recorded at Mynewsdesk, Stockholm