Attack the Block
The alien monsters in this 2011 UK sci-fi/horror/comedy film were not supposed to need VFX, but director Joe Cornich felt they needed to be scarier than the “men-in-monster-suits” they had shot on set. So they approached us, and we set out to digitally enhance these “big alien gorilla wolf mo’fo’s” (as one of the characters in the film describes them). And had the time of our life!

VFX Supervisor : Mattias Lindahl
VFX Producer : Nils Lagergren
2D Supervisor: Fredrik Höglin
Lead 3D Artist : Aron Makkai
Compositing: Andreas Cronström, Richard Sällqvist , Andreas Karlsson,
Daniel Norlund, Martin Borell , Tomas Näslund, Mattias Alvarsson,
Pontus Albrecht & Victor Sanchez
3D Artists: Björn Henriksson & Joakim Eriksson
Modelling/Rigging : Magnus Eriksson
Texture Artist: Marcus Forsberg
Matchmove Artists : David Nielsen, Marcus Forsberg
Animators: Andrea Kozakova , Jonas Kärn, Niklas Lundgren, Staffan Linder & Kristoffer Björnör
R&D: Fredrik Limsäter
Systems Administrator: Thomas Ericsson